This tutorial is to show you how I line a square baking tin. I make lots of square cakes and bar recipes which is why it was important for me to learn how to properly line a square baking tin. In the past, I’ve had a few accidents with finished recipes due to me not lining my tins properly. Since learning how to, my cakes and bars are easily removed from the tins with no more accidents.
1. Start by cutting a large piece of parchment paper. Ensure it is larger than the size of your tin.

2. Place the tin in the middle of the paper with the open side up and draw lines around the tin using a pencil.

3. Using a ruler draw 8 lines, 2 from each corner as pictured. Ensure the length of the line is longer than the depth of the baking tin.
4. Using scissors, cut along all 8 lines and remove the piece of parchment from each corner.
5. If the 4 flaps are too long, give them a trim. Now place the baking paper into the tin and it should fit snug and neat. Ensure you leave some overhang to hold onto to remove your cakes and bars from the tin.
Also I turn the parchment paper upside down when placing it in the tin so the pencil lines are facing the inside of the tin.
There you have it! A quick simple way to line your square tin. This method also works to line a rectangular cake tin.
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